Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17th, 2012 FIRST DAY!!

Sydney started her first day of public school today.  We weren't sure if she really understood what was going to happen today, but when she saw all the kiddos she was so excited.  As we walked into the school she insisted that she wear her backpack.  You know all the other kids were, so she wanted to too.  It was just so heavy with all the new school supplies.  I had bought her a new backpack and lunch box last week so she would be familiar with them before hand.  She had a very warm reception entering her classroom.  A couple of little girls came over to show her where her seat was.  It was awesome to see everyone excepting her, for her.

Jim picked her up from school and was told it was a good first day.  She had only bolted out of a class once and only a few melt downs.  The teachers were already being tested by her.  To me, this is fabulous.  Her regular teacher said that Sydney had had a lot of helpers today.  She was exhausted by 230pm.  It looks like we have a good team started at Ozark North Elementary.

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