Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 18th, 2012

Josh, from Sydney's Autism Center, came to see if he could help in the transition to a regular classroom.

These are the text messages between him and I during his 10am to 1pm shift.

Josh:  Sydney is doing really well today.  She's been in her Regular Education class since I've been here and I've been here since 10.

Me:  So with Ms Lotz?

Josh:  Yep.  She just finished lunch and sat almost the entire time.  She only got slightly restless about 4 minutes before they stood up to leave.

Josh:  Writing is next so we'll see how this goes.  lol

Me:  Awesome.  Thanks for the reports.

Me:  How is her interaction with the other kids?  And how are they with her?

Josh:  She's pretty quiet still and getting used to everything and everyone.  And when she gets a little distracted, her peers are great at helping her remember what needs to be done and she'll follow through with whatever the task is.  At recess, she has been running around with one of her classmates she sits by in class and is taking the lead in we're to go on the playground sometimes as well.  She will sometimes go off on her own to go do or play with something, but I noticed that she will rejoin her friend from class to keep playing.  And I have only seen her flap/clap her hands once on the playground today.

Josh:  *where

Josh:  They were just reading a book and she was getting preoccupied with putting her arms through the head hole and wearing her shirt like a halter top.  Lol! But she would put it back on correctly and attend to the book again.

Me:  So that sounds like a typical 5 year old.

Josh:  Exactly.  I watched her do handwriting from outside the room.  She write her name for Mrs. Lotz.  She tried playing a game with Mrs. Lotz after that in order to not write anymore.  But Mrs. Lotz followed through and had her write the necessary amount to complete the task.  Sydney complied very well. :)  

Me:  Freakn awesome.

Josh:  She was left alone and started shaving the crayon with her nails so I signed for her to stop from outside the room.  And she instantly stopped and put the crayon down.  It was pretty funny.

Me:  Really it just sounds like typical stuff.

Josh:  It is.  I only intervened that time bc she was starting to chew on the crayon too.

Me:  I wonder if they are gluten free?

Josh:  If they are crayons crayons, they are gluten free.

Me: OMG.  funny

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