Dr. Goldberg wants me to read the Dr. Chez article about the FDA approving stem cell transplants for non genetic autistic kids. (He is not happy with this article or that the FDA approved this). Also research GMO grains and the harm they are causing.
We are to observe Sydney while she is happy, to see if she has the same happy/spark in her eyes as a neuro-typical kid would.
Start Tenex, 1/8 in the morning and at night, and watch for sharpness and alertness. We do NOT want her to be drugged out and unresponsive. Send reports every 5 days now, to keep a closer eye on Tenex.
I asked what Tenex does, since she is already on the lexapro. His response was lexapro addresses the hyperness of the frontal lope, while tenex will go deep in the brain for hyperness and help bring down the inflammation there too.
We discussed behavioral problems that Sydney is having at school with the teachers. Dr. Goldberg wants us to set up a telecon for Education behavioral Consult, teachers are welcomed to be on the teleconference call. It will last 40 minutes.
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