Saturday, October 6, 2012

Educational Behavior Consultation 10/4/12

I had regular, special educational teacher and I fill out Sydney's behaviors.  We were to list 5 examples of how she misbehaves, 5 examples on how we discipline, and 5 examples on how she reacts to the discipline.

I thought this would mostly be about what the school teachers should do.  Well, we got a lesson on what we need to change at home, to help the teachers.

Parents need to do:

1.  We need to stay calm and get her to notice us without raising our voice.
     - if she ignores us, then pick her up and put her in time out.  Which is to her room and make sure door is shut.  If need be lock the door so she can't open it.  Time out is 3-5 minutes.

2.  If she does something that will harm herself, then you need to spank and put in room for time out.

3.  Swinging in the chairs, in our kitchen:  spank and time out.

4.  Taking off clothes: time out.

5.  Spitting down her face:  time out.

After 3-5 minutes, open the door and say, "Sydney are you going to behave yourself now."  She needs to make an acknowledgement.  If the look or acknowledgement is bad/negative, continue the time out.  Repeat every 3-5 minutes, until you get a positive acknowledgement.  No hugging, she needs to do good behavior to receive that.

Take redirection out of our vocabulary and actions.  When she was younger that was OK.  But now she doesn't know that what she did is NOT acceptable if she is redirected.

We are to work with her 20 - 30 minutes on school work everyday.  She is to sit and give her attention.  If she decides to not comply then we are do the time out method until she finishes her time.  We can use the timer, to show her how much time is left and stop it until she gets back on track. We can work with the CD-Roms that we have.

Go over board on the praise for positive behavior.  With draw hugs for negative attention.  (When you behave you gets hugs, not after you have done time out.)

What the School needs to do:

Continue with time out and discipline her like a neuro-typical child.  Try to stay away from the redirection.  Have the teachers expect her to listen and comply.  We are not to tolerate behaviors at school or with the parents.

Set up a sticker with a face on it.  If the teachers have not had to many problems for the day, then she gets sent home with a smiley face sticker.  Give lots of praise for the smiley face.  If it has been a rough day with compliance then a frown face sticker gets sent home.  All electronics are then taken away from her for the night, including TV.  Every time she asks for them, the parents say, "Then you should of behaved and listened to the teachers".

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