Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

Sydney was very excited about Halloween this year.  We had Trunk or Treating, Halloween, her school party and then our Halloween party.  Well....I had so many fun things planned for the party that I knew she would love.  The one thing she didn't love, is that I hired a sitter to follow her around and make sure she wasn't naughty or eat anything she wasn't suppose to.  She was pissed when she figured out what Tyla was doing.  This just sent her down hill.  She did get to do the silly string, but that was it.  She missed the piñata and everything else.  She ended up going inside the whole night.  It was a little disappointing for me, but I had to remember how much she had enjoyed the rest of the week leading up to it.  That still put a smile on my face.  Boy, was I glad that I had a sitter.  The next day she said it's November, Halloween is over.  LOL  Yes it is.

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